Garbage & Recycling

Changes to Garbage & Recycling Collection:

The Village of Sauk City’s garbage contractor Town and Country Sanitation operates with a one-pass system requiring residents to have 2 collection bins/toters – one for garbage, one for recycling. Here are some key points: 

  • Each resident has been delivered one (1) 95-gallon (black lid) and one (1) 95-gallon (yellow lid) toter.  The toters are the property of Town and Country Sanitation Inc. and are to remain at the address they are delivered to. 
  • Residents wishing to have a smaller 65-gallon garbage toter, may call the Town and Country office at 608-375-5856 to get the container switched out for a $25 fee. 
  • Pickup along alleys will no longer be possible due to the new collection system, so please note that bins must be placed “curbside”. 

Garbage is picked up weekly and recycling is picked up on an every other week basis.

If you live NORTH OF PHILLIPS BLVD AND TO THE WEST OF MADISON ST your normal pickup day will be Wednesday.

If you live on the EAST SIDE OF THE MADISON ST.  AND ANYWHERE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF PHILLIPS BLVD your normal pickup day will be Thursday.                          

For more information please visit the Town and Country Website or call (608) 524-6603.