Public Works/Streets

Our Public Works Department maintains the sewer system, streets and parks in our Village. They provide effective street maintenance, which includes street sweeping, snowplowing, sanding, blacktop patching and seal coating of approximately 23.4 miles of Village Streets. They also provide an economic and professional fleet service to ensure the safety of all of the citizens and employees in the Village of Sauk City.

The Sauk City Public Works and Utilities building is located at 1115 Dallas Street in Sauk City.

Ken Lueck is the Director of Public Works & Utilities for the Village of Sauk City.

The Village of Sauk City does annual maintenance on the sewer mains. However, it is in the best interest of the residents to check with your homeowner’s insurance to see if you have coverage regarding back-ups in your sewer lateral.

Electric/Water Emergency - Call (608) 643-8336
Evenings or Weekends - Call the On-Call phone at (
608) 963-8707

Always call Diggers Hotline (811) three business days before digging.