Brush Pickup

Brush will be picked up on Thursdays. 

During the winter, brush is picked up on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month. (January 4th, 2024; January 18th, 2024; February 1st, 2024; February 15th, 2024; March 7th, 2024; March 21st, 2024.)

As of April 4th, 2024, we will resume the regular weekly brush pickup.

Brush should be piled neatly with all ends placed toward the curb. Brush must be cut no larger than 8 foot lengths and no larger than 3 inches in diameter.

Place brush on the tree bank by 7:00 A.M. Residents who hire a contractor to cut their trees are responsible for their own removal.

The Village has wood chips available for Sauk City residents at no cost and you must haul the chips yourself. Contact the Village Hall for more information.